Community work

Community work

Day 6

Activity Title

Community work


4:00 h

Group Composition

Max 30 participants

Materials Needed

Tools and materials for the specific tasks (e.g., paint and brushes for painting fences, gardening tools for landscaping), safety equipment (gloves, safety glasses), first aid kit, refreshments, and cleaning supplies.

Tips for the Trainer

  • Encourage team spirit and collaboration among participants.
  • Provide clear instructions and demonstrations for each task.
  • Monitor the safety and well-being of all participants during the activities.
  • Facilitate reflection and discussion sessions, emphasizing the value of community work.
  • Be ready to assist and offer guidance where needed, while allowing participants autonomy in their tasks.


  • Enhance teamwork skills by having participants work together towards common community goals.
  • Showcase the importance of visible, tangible results in community work.
  • Offer opportunities for participants to learn and apply new skills in a practical setting.
  • Encourage participants to become more aware of their community's needs and the importance of civic engagement.
  • Develop a sense of social responsibility in participants, highlighting the role individuals and groups play in community welfare.
  • Promote the development of interpersonal skills like communication, negotiation, and empathy through interaction and collaboration with diverse participants.
  • Provide opportunities for participants to take on leadership roles within their groups, enhancing their confidence and leadership skills.

Activity Description

Participants engage in various hands-on tasks that directly benefit the community. After a briefing and division into groups, each group tackles different tasks like painting, gardening, or repair work. The activities are designed to cater to various skill levels, allowing all participants to contribute effectively. The hands-on approach not only aids in community improvement but also serves as a learning and team-building exercise for the participants.

20 minutes - Introduction and task overview

  • Explanation of the session's objectives and its significance in community development.
  • Introduction to the specific community tasks, detailing the purpose and expected outcomes of each.
  • Stress the importance of safety during physical tasks and respecting all community members and properties.

10 minutes - Division into teams

  • Participants are divided into small groups based on interest or assigned tasks.
  • Each team assigns specific roles (e.g., team leader, coordinator, materials handler) to ensure efficient task management.

3 hours - Execution of community tasks

  • Teams start working on their respective tasks, such as painting, gardening, or minor repairs.
  • Motivate participants to take initiative and contribute ideas during the tasks.
  • Ensure that the work environment is supportive and inclusive, where every participant feels valued and able to contribute.
  • Plan small breaks during that part of the session.

15 minutes - Clean-up

  • Participants collaboratively clean and organize the work area, ensuring everything is returned to its proper place.

15 minutes - Conclusion

  • Encourage participants to share personal reflections on what the community work meant to them and any new perspectives gained.
  • Recognize and appreciate the unique contributions of each participant, reinforcing the value of every individual’s effort.


This section is dedicated to reflecting on the activities and experiences of our community work, aiming to deepen our understanding of their impact and to explore how these learnings can be integrated into future endeavors.

Pose a couple of key questions:

  • What aspect of today's community work was most impactful for you personally?
  • Can you share a moment from today's activities that you found particularly meaningful or enlightening?
  • How has this experience influenced your thoughts on future community involvement?
  • Are there specific areas or types of community work you are now more interested in exploring?
  • In what ways do you think our activities today contributed to the community?

Expected Outcomes

  • Strengthened teamwork and collaboration among participants.
  • A visible, positive impact on the community through the completed projects.
  • Development of practical skills among participants, along with enhanced community engagement and a sense of shared responsibility.
  • Participants' collaborative efforts will lead to a stronger sense of community cohesion and unity.
  • The act of contributing to the community will provide participants with a sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction.
  • Engagement in community work can increase participants' awareness of local issues and challenges faced by the community.
  • The session provides an opportunity for participants to build networks with like-minded individuals who are interested in community development.